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People often ask the questions, "What is the purpose of having two envelopes when mailing wedding invitations?" and "Do I have to use two envelopes?" Today, I hope to clear the air and break down the purpose of using two envelopes.
What is the purpose of an inner envelope?
The inner envelope simply holds all of the pieces of the wedding suite together. As we all know, those envelopes can be jam packed full of wedding goodness.
The inner envelope is also important as it is the host/hostesses opportunity to clearly state which members of the house-hold are invited to the wedding.
In addressing the inner envelope, use only titles and last names. *Avoid using the phrase "and family.
What is the purpose of an outer envelope?
The outer envelope is for mailing purposes.
On the outer envelope guests should be referred to by title, first names, and last names. *Titles may be abbreviated.
For more detailed information and scenarios for addressing envelopes, this is a infographic: "Why two envelopes?"
Do I have to use two envelopes?
The answer is simply no. Often times cost is a hinderance when deciding between one or two envelopes. Be sure to do the research because the cost for two envelopes might not be as expensive as you think.
It may seem like "just etiquette" to you, but keep in mind the inner envelope is a great opportunity to clearly state who is invited to the wedding and prevent more guests than you were planning on!