June 18, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Saying NO to children at your wedding

One might think that wedding invitation and reply card wording is simple and straightforward. For the most part it can be. What happens when you decided that you don't want children to attend your wedding? Everyone has different reasons for requesting there not to be children at their wedding. How do you communicate that to your guests without sounding completely rude?

Source | Little girls reaction to kiss at the wedding...Priceless! 

A few ways to graciously communicate your "no children" policy...

1. On your reply card, communicate how many seats are reserved for the guests.


We have reserved _____ seats in your honor. (In that blank you would fill in how many seats are reserved for them)

2. Be sure to write out the names of the specific people invited to the wedding. This lets your guests know who you are expecting.

Note: Despite all your efforts you might still get reply cards with the number of seats crossed out where they replace a number "2" to "4" and/or write in additional names. This can be a very tricky situation, but in this case it might be best to make a phone call.


A few tactful explanations for not wanting children at the wedding..

- Venue capacity
- Efforts to maintain a certain budget
- Want to give guest a night off from the kids to celebrate

Stay tuned as next week we will talk about all of those people who want to say YES to children being at their weddings! I have some great tips and ideas to make your wedding and reception "kid-friendly!"
